Tuesday, May 29, 2012


It doesn't really make sense to me how Lobbying is still allowed, its basically open bribery and causes basically what I would call corruption. It seems like large corporations can basically run our governments and make laws that favour their cause. Look at what the Entertainment industry tried to do with laws such as S.O.P.A and P.I.P.A, its almost as if the Entertainment industry was controlling the government to make such stupid laws that seemed as if they were hardly even thought out. Lobbying is driven by greed from big corporations, they seem to somehow pay their way into having things go the way that they want them to. Lobbyists are honestly paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to sit in Washington to become friendly with policy makers and insure that the best interests of their clients are looked after. It crazy to think about how much money Lobbyists make considering what they do should be a federal offence. Lobbying makes sense for some things, but its not like citizens have enough money to ensure that bills are being passed in favour of citizens. Its disgusting to see how many of the people who pass laws end up working for the companies they passed the laws for, its completely corrupt and yet it seems like there is nothing that we can do about it. None of this stuff is fair, but if your on the right side of it, you will gain massive benefits. You can't fight the system because you'll never win, but if you go with the system you'll be extremely well off.

We pretty much saw how corrupt the government is when we watched both Food Inc and when we watched the Documentary on the housing market crash. The government personnel that passed the patenting laws for Monsanto either worked at Monsanto or has a guaranteed high paying job at Monsanto. Its like they don't even care how badly the laws the approve of affect normal citizens, its all about money and its brutal how they get away with this crap. The only way that I think we can stop things like this from happening is by launching complete FBI investigations against these people to show how badly they screwed others just to get their own benefits. They are completely taking advantage of people without repercussions, it goes to show how if you have money you can basically do anything you want.

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