Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Hard work pays off

Today in class we watched a documentary on the fast food chain restaurant Mcdonalds, and we learned how the food giant is able to gain a competitive advantage over its competition. The documentary started off by showing us two employees, one who owned 6 Mcdonalds restaurants, and his partner who looked over all 6 of the restaurants. What surprised me the most was that the guy who owned the 6 Mcdonalds actually puts in 14 hour days at work, even doing things like serving customers and cleaning the windows. You would think that once you own 6 Mcdonalds that you would never have to go to work again as you would have people doing all the dirty work, but it wasn't the case for the Mexican American guy. His partner had been working at Mcdonalds for 18 years, and was actually promoted into a relatively high up position which allows him to make over one hundred thousand dollars a year. The partner was projected to own his own Mcdonalds at some point, which would make him very wealthy, even when the interviewer asked him if he would be surprised if he would become a millionaire, he firmly stated that he would not be surprised.

The documentary had recorded footage of both men at work, and the second guy was shown encouraging workers and telling them that they were doing a great job, even while he was checking up to make sure that everything was okay. When asked about what the most important thing about Mcdonalds that would appeal to the customers, he stated that the biggest factor was that the wash rooms always had to look and be clean. The reason being is because who would ever want to go to a restaurant that had a disgusting wash room? People don't like dirty things, and having a dirty wash room is memorable for customers. It makes them think that its a dirty restaurant, and they won't go back there to eat. Both men showed that hard work pays off, as they are both making boatloads of money, and even setting themselves up for the future. I guarantee that if that guy didn't work hard for 18 years then he definitely wouldn't have gotten an opportunity like this.

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